What is the role of generative AI in modern marketing? How can we use AI to deliver better results, easier and cheaper? What will the world of marketing look like when we look further into the future?
If you’re looking for answers to these questions and want to hear from the cutting edge of the industry, book Jukka Aalho for your event. TEDx speaker and experienced marketer Jukka Aalho will introduce his audience to the world of AI and marketing through practical examples and stories.
Jukka’s talk combines a deep understanding of AI with years of experience in marketing.
Service description: talk on AI and marketing
Get inspiration for your marketing event from Aalho Media and Jukka Aalho. We can provide you with:
- A presentation of the desired length (e.g. 30–60 min) on the potential of artificial intelligence
- Practical examples of how AI is already revolutionizing the world of marketing
- An opportunity for discussion and a question-and-answer session at the end of the presentation
Who is this marketing talk for?
Jukka Aalho’s performance is particularly fitting:
- For companies who want to keep up to date with changes and trends in the marketing world
- For events that dare to look to the future and inspire visitors to think differently
- For marketing teams who want to understand the potential of AI
What is the role of AI in marketing?
The contents of the speech can be tailored to suit your occasion. Examples of main topics are:
- Practical applications and benefits of AI in marketing
- How generative AI can be used to streamline the entire content process
- What will happen to us mere meat bags as generative AI develops?
For you

”Oli kyllä aivan loistava esitys! Ja olet erittäin inspiroiva puhuja!”
Kuulijapalaute Aalho Median puheenvuorosta
+1000 koulutuksiin osallistuneita / Suomeksi ja englanniksi
Aalho Median markkinoinnin koulutusten ja puheenvuorojen jälkeen sinulla ja tiimilläsi on nämä kolme asiaa: inspiraatio, käytännön ymmärrys ja selkeät seuraavat askeleet.
For you
Prices and booking
The price of a talk depends on the length of the speech, the audience and the location.
An example of a 45-minute speech on AI and marketing:
- Speaker Jukka Aalho
- Price: 1 500 € + travel expenses from Oulu + VAT 24 % (In Finland)
Contact us for more information and to book Jukka for your next event.