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Nucu and wellness tech for babies, Marco Suvilaakso #34
How do you launch a new category product? What is special about marketing to families with newborns? And what exactly is the Nucu Pad? Guest starring Nucu co-founder Marco Suvilaakso.
How to fix the broken agency model, Anders Ringstedt #23
What’s wrong with ad agencies today? Our guest today is the CEO of Klingit, Anders Ringstedt.
SUCCESS! What can founders learn from failure, Satu Niemelä & Erasmus van Niekerk? #12
Failing fast or not failing at all? And how can founders avoid dying on Mount Stupid?
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Stay ahead
How to update page templates in bulk with WP CLI in WordPress
Here’s how you can update multiple post templates with a one line in WP CLI.
AI generated images for brands: examples and caveats
The pros and cons of using AI for asset generation. How brands can leverage AI?
Content marketing and WP CLI
Is wandering around WordPress too time-consuming for your content marketing process? The answer may be the WP CLI command line tool.
How to make a duotone image in Figma without plugins
Do you want to achieve a duotone effect in Figma? You can do it layer blend styles
Expand the essentials
Find inspiration
Five ways to come up with a good name for your business
Looking for a good name for your business? Here are five ways to do it.
How to set up your marketing monthly report for maximum effect
With these tips, you will optimize your monthly marketing reports for maximum gas-lighting.
Best logos of 2023 and logo design trends
We looked into the future and got our hands on the logo revamps of 12 large companies for the year 2023.

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